Lotuspanel XXL Green

Item number: M120240LEG2BL

EAN: 4260372074634

A green lotus pond with huge leaves 120 x 240 cm above your living room sofa, in the stairwell at the dining table, in the lobby or, or, or. Plants on the wall that you do not have to water. After blue, GREEN is the color we find most often on our planet. Green is also the color of hope. It stands for life, nature, security and inspiration. That is probably why most of our practice customers opt for green accents and pictures in the waiting area.

Un étang de lotus vert aux énormes feuilles 120 x 240 cm au-dessus du canapé de votre salon, dans la cage d’escalier de la table ŕ manger, dans le hall ou. Les plantes sur le mur que vous n'avez pas ŕ arroser. Aprčs le bleu, le VERT est la couleur que nous trouvons le plus souvent sur notre plančte. Le vert est aussi la couleur de l'espoir. Il représente la vie, la nature, la sécurité et l'inspiration. C'est probablement pourquoi la plupart de nos clients optent pour des accents verts et des images dans la salle d'attente.

Un estanque de loto verde con hojas enormes a 120 x 240 cm sobre el sofá de la sala de estar, en el hueco de la escalera en la mesa del comedor, en el vestíbulo o, o, o. Plantas en la pared que no tienes que regar. Después del azul, VERDE es el color que encontramos con mayor frecuencia en nuestro planeta. El verde también es el color de la esperanza. Es sinónimo de vida, naturaleza, seguridad e inspiración. Esa es probablemente la razón por la cual la mayoría de nuestros clientes de práctica optan por acentos verdes e imágenes en el área de espera.

Uno stagno di loto verde con enormi foglie 120 x 240 cm sopra il divano del soggiorno, nella tromba delle scale al tavolo da pranzo, nella hall o, o, o. Piante sul muro che non devi annaffiare. Dopo il blu, il VERDE č il colore che troviamo piů spesso sul nostro pianeta. Il verde č anche il colore della speranza. Č sinonimo di vita, natura, sicurezza e ispirazione. Questo č probabilmente il motivo per cui la maggior parte dei nostri clienti di pratica opta per accenti verdi e immagini nell'area di attesa.

Category: green

Offer on application

Delivery status: 1-3 days**

About: This work of art is made from genuine lotus leaf by hand in Thailand. No leaf is the same - each leaf has its own shape, size and color. The lotus leaf is one of the most important Buddhist symbols and stands for purity, beauty and holiness in Asia. The leaves are gilded with a varnish made of synthetic resin with gold dust and sealed.

SHERMANS and Fairtrade: Respectful handling of crafts and resources is a matter of course for us. This means: we promote small companies and only let ministry work in family businesses. Handwork is only available once, it is alive and individual. Our lotus leaves are carefully chosen, harvested and assembled into a work of art according to a well-guarded process. Thus at the end each lotus picture is unique.

Care: Wipe with a dust cloth once a month. Protect from direct sunlight.

Size: 120x240
Color: green
Finish: Lotus Leaves on MDF
Versandklasse: Bulky Goods
Shipping weight: 34,00 Kg
Product weight: 32,00 Kg
Abmessungen (LxBxH):: 120 cm x 240 cm x 6

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