Our lotus pictures face competition: wall pictures made from leaves from the teak tree, we glue onto SA paper and thus create a completely vegan collection.
Sa-Paper has been made from the bark of the paper mulberry tree in Laos for many centuries. With its robust structure and durability, it forms the basis for our new teak leaf collection. As with the lotus leaves, we cook the teak leaves in textile colors, dry them on clotheslines and then process them on Sa paper. We then stretch the finished work of art on a stretcher frame. Pure nature.
In the usual strong colors such as pink, purple, turquoise, orange, red or in natural colors such as sand, green, mallow or taupe, we will soon be presenting unique teak leaf art here.
Of course, these beautiful objects will soon also be available with gold veins, but also monochrome in black, white, gray, gold-plated, silver-plated or copper-plated.
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Teakpanel 80x80 olive
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Lightgreen
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Atlantic Blue
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Taupe Gold
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Teal Gold
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Blue Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Blue Green
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Deep Blue
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Sa-Paper
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Green
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Indian Summer
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Lila
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Lime
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Mono
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Darkgreen
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Rosé
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Purpur
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Red Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Darkred
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Trürkis Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Lila Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Lila Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Turquoise
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Turquoise
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Türkis Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Darkred
Offer on application

Teakbild 80x80 Red Champagne
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Darkred
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x50 Mauve
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Mauve
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Darkgreen
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Olive
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Ocean
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Rosé
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Mono
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Lime
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Lightgreen
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Purple
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Indian Summer
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Green
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Sa-Paper
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Atlantic Blue
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Deep Blue
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Blue Green
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Blue Ecru
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Teal Gold
Offer on application

Teakbild 50x80 Taupe Gold
Offer on application